Our Story

Tula was founded by David Brown, one of the founders of Soyuz Microphones, a well respected pro audio brand used by many of the world’s top engineers and artists. To develop the Tula Mic, David teamed up with mechanical engineer Steven Nersesian and electronic and firmware engineer Stefan Burstrom, both known for their work with the iconic Swedish brand Teenage Engineering.

The Tula Mic is entirely screwed and snapped together for easy repair and end-of-life recycling. We’re supporters of the right to repair movement and do our best to follow the legendary Dieter Rams’ 10 principals of good design, including making products that are built to last.

Our Vision
We believe in the concept of win-win-win. A good business is one that provides value to its customers, employees and shareholders. All three must benefit in order to create a true sense of community and balance.